Blogging is almost like eating a good meal, at your favorite restaurant. You eat what you like same as you write what you like and feel good about. But there are times when you wish to make that dish at home and similarly, are keen on creating an attractive blog. While thinking of making the dish, you will realize the amount of passion and dedication that is needed to make it. On the very same ground, if you do not write with love, nobody will read with love too.
You see, tips for typing is important in the beginning, just as proper grammar and spelling.
There are many of you who have been writing for years now. But, never thought of making money through blogging, well it is never too late. There are ways you can learn to write just the right piece for the right market. IF the language you are writing in is English – do check your grammar, please. It is real important.
Planning is the backbone of anything and everything you do. Be it making your favorite dish or writing a blog post.
Take a couple of hours, rather a couple of days before writing your write up. It is real nice if you can type at a real good speed, yet, take time before writing. The good thing with planning is, you will be organized when you sit down to write, you will have ample amount of information before you commence, you will be able to add variety to your creation and since all things are already present there, your blog will be read by many too. Efforts and hard work never go waste.
“Don’t you ever wish,
You were someone else.
You were meant to be,
The way you are exactly.”
By Joey McIntire
Follow the lyrics of the song, and you will yourself understand, what is being said here.
DO not follow the world like cattle. Write on a topic of your interest. While doing so, you will yourself do a favor. If the topic is of your interest, knowledge will come out from within and reflect in your piece. The results following will bring a smile on your face.
The only thing constant in life is change.
Steven Covey wrote – 7 habits of highly effective people. Now he is out with his 8th habit. Yes, he is putting his efforts in just the right direction and it clearly shows he is focused.
If you also keep making the necessary changes in your blog, you will maintain the focus and convince people of your dedication towards a particular topic. If you are not confident enough to rewrite your own work, hire typewriting services to help you out.
Use headings – Headlines are the face of your creativity and the text following of course. Catchy headlines will definitely attract readers. For instance, there was a headline in a newspaper long time back- ‘Hillary Clinton adopts Alien baby’. It was a pun against Clinton having extraterrestrial relationships.
Similarly – “India is a poor country with rich people”.
If India is a poor country how come Indians here have Ferrari and Aston Martin? Point to ponder upon.
Yes, you may write nothing and use a picture to express your thoughts, and the job is done. Writing for the web and writing for newspapers or magazines are two entirely different things. Visual stimulation does work at times. Keep the point in mind; it will take fractions of seconds to distract a reader. Online people have multiple options to explore; they won’t invest much time on your page.
With pictures, you may divide your write up. Timely intervals give a break to the reader as well. There are many readers who will not pay much heed to the words you write, they will just scroll down the images and decide in seconds. You be the judge now.
Give your final creation, triple threat approach. Read your own text thrice and see if it engages you. If it does not, it won’t others too. Try to use free English grammar check online, prevent grammatical errors.
Editing is not just about replacing better words or striking out sentences. It is also about making the entire piece look like ONE. The other word to use is COHESION. There has to be proper flow. IT will engage readers better.
Crutch is a word which is our favorite. For instance, Karan Johar uses the word ‘conjecture’ a lot. But uses it aptly too. Similarly, if you want to use the word, use it well. Remember, it is you who likes the word, not others.
There are times, when you put in extra efforts, seeking some information. But that information is just not right for your current blog. For instance, you may have invested months in reading and researching about tea tree oil while planning your article for “acne and pimples”. But tea tree oil need not be mentioned in details. It will bother you a bit but no knowledge goes waste ever. If you seek it, it will come to use someday. DO not be afraid to edit your article, be brutal on your piece. Improve your typing skills to work faster and accurately.
The recent hate march, against President Donald Trump, there was people stating that he has got Russian connections. They were stating some points that had no source to quote. They were on camera and mentioned certain things which had no base. This made everything seem fake and ambiguous. Similarly, there was some news about Trump using bad language against ‘females’, it was supported with proper audios. That looked authentic and people believed it.
Same goes for your blog as well. Before you quote anything, make sure you have proper proof for doing so.
Once you have understood all the points mentioned above, you are now ready to create a real awesome piece. Please make sure you check English grammar noun before posting your piece. Though you will take some time to write like a pro, but that day is not far.
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