The foundation towards building a successful business is to make sure that your brand has an incredibly effective marketing approach. All the difference to building your marketing strategy happens when you decide with whom you are going to work. The choice can be to go with a digital agency or to work with a freelance marketer. There are platforms like Upwork and Hubstaff Talent that lets you utilize talents from different states and overseas. But the important question here is how to find the right fit at an affordable price? Is it better to hire a freelancer to do multiple jobs or an agency having specialized skills?
A freelancer is defined as an independent marketing consultant most likely to have some prior experience working at a big reputed company in the past, but now they utilize their experiences and talent to provide various kinds of services on their own. However, a digital marketing agency is a larger team of marketing professionals managed and maintained by a hierarchical system where the marketers usually don’t pick their project and will have a set of expected targets placed on them. Similarly, we are Let’s Goo Social, a group of digital marketing professionals known as the best digital marketing agency in Chennai delivering robust customer-centric campaigns to amplify your brand’s position in the market.
Today we will help you choose the right decision. Let’s discuss in detail the pros and cons of outsourcing your projects to individual freelancers and agencies.
● Affordable rates: Are you aware that individual freelancers manage their own rates, which are often reasonable? They charge it on the type of tasks you give them and on the project’s duration.
● Specialized skills. Freelancers know how to sell the skills they are admirably good at. They try to often specialize in a particular field and focus mostly on it.
● Space to hire more: Depending on the project, you can hire and manage many freelancers at a time.
● Involvement: You have the freedom to be involved in the whole process as you directly communicate with your freelancer.
● Unavailability issues: Since freelancers have flexible schedules, they are location-independent but there might be times they are available if you urgently need them.
● Work overload: As a solo freelancer working for many clients, the tasks and deadlines might pile up. The projects might not be done effectively as they may be too exhausted.
● Managing multiple freelancers: Handling many freelancers all at the same time can be a daunting task, especially if they reside in different time zones.
● Accountability: A project manager will be tasked to handle your freelancers in an agency. Since the PM is your only source of contact, it’s easier to go through a project manager as s/he watches the team, than individually checking each freelancer.
● Long-term work relationship: When you find the right team, it also helps you take on more projects in near future.
● Consistency: When you hire an agency, they sit down with you to work and develop a solid marketing strategy along with the benefit of witnessing that particular strategy grow and flourish.
● More expensive: Yes, agencies can be expensive but not expensive to burn a hole in your pocket.
The choice is yours to make! At Let’s Goo Social, we employ the best affordable digital marketing strategies and tools to make your brand highly visible in the search engines and rank #1 on it. That’s why we are the best SEO company in Chennai helping you gain 100% brand credibility and loyalty.
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